تری ایگلتون

Christianity: Fair or Foul

Culture and Barbarism

Death, Tragedy and the Sacred (Lancaster University)

Faith and Reason

Gjesteforelesning med Terry Eagleton

Terry Eagleton, Lancaster University, “The Crisis in the Humanities”

Terry Eagleton in Conversation with Roger Scruton

October Talks: Book presentation “Materialism” by Terry Eagleton

War of Cultures

How to Disagree Without Being a Liberal Pluralist? Cambridge, Feb 2017

Marxism as a Theodicy

The Communist Manifesto (2011)

On the Metaphysics of Terror

The Body as Language, or Do Badgers Have Souls?

The Death of Criticism?

The End of The Humanities (2013)

The Limits of Liberalism

War of Cultures

Why Marx Was Right? (2014)

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